Black-Owned Restaurants, Food Trucks and Food Markets in the Triangle
(and Beyond)
By: Chrishonda Jefferson, Food Cravingz
Apex Seafood & Market (Apex, NC) https://www.apexseafoodandmarket.com/
The Fish House (Apex, NC) https://www.thefishhouseapex.com/
Apex Seafood & Market (Apex, NC) https://www.apexseafoodandmarket.com/
The Fish House (Apex, NC) https://www.thefishhouseapex.com/
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Apex Seafood & Market (Apex, NC) https://www.apexseafoodandmarket.com/
The Fish House (Apex, NC) https://www.thefishhouseapex.com/
Awaze Ethiopian Cuisine (Cary, NC) https://www.awazecuisine.com/menu
Cary African & Caribbean Market (Cary, NC) http://www.caryafricancaribbean.market/
Taste of Jamaica (Cary, NC) https://www.yelp.com/biz/taste-of-jamaica-cary?uid=d3KXjBmfe19DqMHXMLqPTw&utm_source=ishare
Your Pie Cary (Cary & Raleigh, NC) https://yourpie.com/stores/cary/
Small Cakes (Cary, Durham & Huntersville,, NC) 1132 Parkside Main St. Cary, NC 27519 (919) 388-2253 (office) www.smallcakesnc.com
TrYSeafood Grill (Cary, NC) https://www.tryseafoodgrill.com/
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Apex Seafood & Market (Apex, NC) https://www.apexseafoodandmarket.com/
The Fish House (Apex, NC) https://www.thefishhouseapex.com/
Al’s Burger Shack, Chapel Hill, NC) https://www.alsburgershack.com/
Vegan Flava Café (Chapel Hill, NC) http://www.veganflavacafe.com/

Big C Waffles
Durham, NC

Chez Moi Bakery
Durham, NC
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Apex Seafood & Market (Apex, NC) https://www.apexseafoodandmarket.com/
The Fish House (Apex, NC) https://www.thefishhouseapex.com/
Backyard BBQ Pit (Durham, NC) https://www.sweetribs.com
Black Farmer’s Market (Durham & Raleigh, NC) https://www.blackaugustinthepark.com/
Beyú Caffè (Durham, NC) https://beyucaffe.com/
Big C Waffles (Durham, NC) http://places.singleplatform.com/big-c-waffles/menu?ref=google
Blend of Soul, cold-pressed juices (Durham, NC) www.blendofsoul.com
Bon Fritay: Haitian Street Food (Raleigh-Durham, NC) https://www.bonfritaytruck.com/
Boricua Soul Food Truck (Durham, NC) https://boricuasoulnc.com/
Chez Moi (Durham, NC) https://www.iloverumcake.com/
Chicken Hut (Durham, NC) https://chickenhutnc.weebly.com/
Creative Touch Gifts, LLC- Catering (Durham, NC) https://creativetouchgiftsllc.com/
Crumb’s Bakery: Vegan (Durham, NC ) https://crumbsbakerync.com/
Dame's Chicken & Waffles (Cary, NC; Durham, NC; Greensboro, NC) https://dameschickenwaffles.com/
The Dankery (Durham, NC) http://www.durtybull.com/dankery
Debbie Lou’s Biscuit Sandwich Shop (Durham, NC) trueflavorsdinner.com
Fahsyrah's Lemonade (Durham, NC) https://www.fahsyrahslemonade.com/
Favor Desserts https://www.favordesserts.com/
Golden Krust (Durham, NC) https://www.goldenkrust.com/menu/
Goorsha: Ethiopian Cuisine (Durham, NC) www.goorshadurham.com
Indulge Catering, LLC (Durham, NC) Indulge-Catering.com
Jeddah’s Tea (Durham, NC) https://www.jeddahstearoom.com/
Let’s Eat Soul Food- Food Truck (Durham, NC) https://www.facebook.com/lehstruck/
Nolia: Family + Coffee (Durham, NC) https://noliacoffee.com/
Organic Motherland Foods (Durham, NC) www.OrganicMotherlandFoods.com
The Palace International (Durham, NC) http://www.thepalaceinternational.com/
Perkins Orchard, Food Market (Durham, NC) http://www.perkinsorchard.com/
Pork in the Road Food Truck and Catering (Durham, NC) https://porkintheroad.net
Saltbox Seafood Joint (Durham, NC) https://www.saltboxseafoodjoint.com/
The Shrimp Truck (Durham, NC)https://www.facebook.com/Shrimptrucknc/
Soul Fresh Spring Rolls (Durham, NC) https://www.soulfreshspringrolls.com/
Soul Good Vegan Cafe (Durham, NC) https://www.soulgoodvegancafeapp.com/
Southern Lady Sweets (Durham, NC) http://southernladysweets.com/
Sho Nuff Seafood NC (Durham, NC) https://www.shonuffseafoodnc.com
Sweet Smoothies’s (Durham, NC) https://www.facebook.com/SweetsSmoothie/
Tater Bread Café (Durham, NC) https://www.yelp.com/biz/tater-bread-cafe-durham
True Flavors Diner (Durham, NC) trueflavorsdiner.com
Urel’s Jamaican House (Durham, NC) http://places.singleplatform.com/urels-jamaica-house/menu?ref=google
Zwelis (Durham, NC) https://www.zwelis.com/

Oak City Fish & Chips
Raleigh, NC

Oro Restaurant & Lounge
Raleigh, NC
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Apex Seafood & Market (Apex, NC) https://www.apexseafoodandmarket.com/
The Fish House (Apex, NC) https://www.thefishhouseapex.com/
Alpha Dawg’s Inc (Raleigh, NC) https://www.facebook.com/alphadawgsraleigh/
Ashleigh Bakes Daily (The Triangle, NC): https://www.ashleighbakesdaily.com/
BerréClaire (Raleigh, NC) berreclaire.com
Black•ology Coffee Company (Raleigh, NC) https://www.blackologycoffeecompany.com/
Boss of Vegan (Raleigh, NC) https://www.bossofvegan.com/
Breaux’s Bistreau (The Triangle, NC) www.breauxsbistreau.com
By Angel with Love, candies nuts (The Triangle, NC) https://www.byangelwithlove.com/
Cake Couture Boutique (Raleigh, NC) https://www.cakecouturenc.com/
Cake Kernels (Raleigh, NC) https://cakekernels.com/
CandieCakes Treats & More LLC ( Raleigh, NC) https://www.candiecakes.com/
Caribbean Kicker (Raleigh, NC) https://www.caribbeankicker.com/
Carolina International Mart (Raleigh, NC) http://www.carolinainternationalmart.com/
Chick-N-Que (Raleigh-Durham, NC) https://www.chicknque.com/
Cocoa Forte Desserts (Raleigh, NC) cocoafortedesserts.com
Corner Boys BBQ (Raleigh, NC) http://www.cornerboysbbq.com/
Fatboys Kitchen Food Truck (Raleigh-Durham, NC) https://www.fatboysnc.com
The Flat Drum (Raleigh, NC) https://www.theflatdrum.shop/
Goodness Grace Us Catering (Raleigh, NC) http://www.goodnessgraceus.com/
Hady International Food (Raleigh, NC) https://hadyinternationalfood.com/
The Hot Spot- catering (The Triangle, NC) https://www.facebook.com/The-Hot-Spot-105051267957494
Jamaica Jerk Masters: Jamaican Cuisine (Raleigh, NC) https://jmorders.com/
Jay’s Italian Ice (Raleigh, NC) https://www.jaysitalianice.com/home.html
Jessica’s Food Truck (Raleigh, NC) https://roaminghunger.com/jessicas-food-truck/
Jolly’s Catering and Events (Raleigh, NC) https://www.jollyscateringandevents.com/
Kandy Apples by K (Raleigh, NC) https://www.kandyapplesbyk.com/
King’s Country Flavor (Raleigh, NC) https://www.facebook.com/kingscountryflavor
Kwench Juice Café (Raleigh, NC 27615) https://www.restaurantji.com/nc/raleigh/kwench-juice-cafe-/
Larger than Lemons: Gourmet Lemonade (Raleigh, NC) https://largerthanlemons.com/
Lawrence & Perry BBQ (Raleigh, NC) www.LPQueNC.com
Lee's Kitchen: Jamaican and Southern Cuisine (Raleigh, NC) http://leeskitchenjamaican.com/menu/
Lil Dipper Delights (Raleigh, NC) lildipperdelights.com
Lili’s Sweet Shop (Raleigh, NC) http://www.lilisweetshop.com/
Magnificent Concessions LLC (Raleigh, NC) http://www.magnificentconcessions.com/
Mama Nem’s Food Truck (Raleigh-Durham, NC) www.mamanems.com
Mighty Mike’s Rolling Bistro & Grill Food Truck (The Triangle, NC)
Myrrona Italian Ice (Raleigh, NC) https://watericemyrrona.wixsite.com/raleigh
Mum’s Jamaican Restaurant (Raleigh, NC) http://www.mumsjamaicanfood.com/
The Naked Empanda (Triangle, NC) www.thenakedempanada.com
Nafkot Ethiopian Restaurant (Raleigh, NC) nafkotethiopianrestaurant.com
Oak City Fish and Chips: Seafood (Raleigh, NC) https://www.oakcityfishandchips.com/
ORO Resturant & Bar (Raleigh, NC) https://ororaleigh.com/
Partin’s Creations -Bakery (The Triangle, NC) https://www.partinscreationsllc.com/
Premier Cakes (Raleigh, NC) https://www.premier-cakes.com/
Proverbs Bakery (Raleigh-Durham) https://www.proverbsbakery.com/
Royal Cheesecake & Varieties (Raleigh, NC) https://www.rcvcakes.com/
Sarge’s Shrimp and Grits (The Triangle, NC) https://www.sargesshrimpandgrits.com/
Sinful Delights Cupcakery (Raleigh, NC) https://www.facebook.com/sinfuldelightscupcakes14/
Shmack’n Plates (The Triangle, NC) shmacknplates.com
Swahili Grill: Kenyan Cuisine (Raleigh, NC) https://www.swahiligrill.com/
The Morning After Food Truck (Raleigh, NC) www.themorningafterfood.com
TJ’s Kitchen Food Truck (Raleigh, NC) https://www.facebook.com/tjskitchen2/
Triangle Bakery Keto, Gluten Free and Vegan Friendly Bakery (Raleigh, NC) https://www.trianglebakery.com/
Tropical Delights Smoothie (The Triangle, NC) https://www.tropicaldelightsmoothies.com/
Urbana Concepts (Triangle, NC) https://www.urbanacateringnc.com/
Virgil’s Jamaica Food Truck (Raleigh, NC) https://virgilsjamaica1.com/
Wonder Puff -Cotton Candy (The Triangle) https://wonderpuff.square.site/
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Apex Seafood & Market (Apex, NC) https://www.apexseafoodandmarket.com/
The Fish House (Apex, NC) https://www.thefishhouseapex.com/
ABC Catering, LLC (Tarboro, NC) https://www.facebook.com/abccateringllc
Baton Rouge Cuisine Food Truck (Creedmoor, NC/ Triangle Area) http://www.brcuisine.com/
Bestow Baked Goods (Holly Springs, NC) https://bestowbakedgoods.com/
Alicia’s Homemade Cakes (Burlington, NC and delivers to Triangle Area)
Chef ShebaStar, LLC – catering (Rocky Mount, NC) https://www.facebook.com/Chef-ShebaStar-LLC-242506732444901/
The Debonair Chef – catering (Fuquay Varina, NC) https://www.thedebonairchef.com/
401 Main (Carrborro, NC) https://401main.com/
Joyce & Family Restaurant and Catering (Fuquay-Varina, NC) https://www.facebook.com/joyceandfamily/
Juicy Bird (Winston-Salem, NC) Yourjbird.com
Nola Catering (Greensboro, NC) www.nolacatering.info
Oink N Moo Food Truck (Knightdale, NC) https://www.facebook.com/smokedbriskets/
On Main Southern Eatery (Warrenton, NC) https://www.onmainsoutherneatery.com/
Pine Knot Farms (Hurdle Mills, NC) http://pineknotfarmsnc.com/
The Smoke n Jerk (Knightdale, NC) https://www.thesmokenjerk.com/
Something BARowed https://www.somethingbarowed.com/
Walking Crab (Garner, NC) https://walkingcrab.menufy.com/#/
Ward’s Steak and Cheese (Wilson, NC) www.wardsteakandcheese.com

About Food Cravingz
Chrishonda Jefferson, Founder
Hi! My name is Chrishonda, the Founder of Food Cravingz! I have a passion for exploring and trying new things. I am committed to upliftung Black-owned businesses in the community! In my spare time, I do freelance photography for restaurants, food trucks and people looking to brand themselves on social media. In addition, I am very involved in the community.